5 Minutes with Chef John Offenhauser

One of the most awarded restaurants in Brisbane, Customs House Heritage surrounds offers a choice of indoor or outdoor dining overlooking the Brisbane river and the Story Bridge. Indulge in fresh seasonal produce and local seafood that is sourced daily by the kitchen team led by Chef John Offenhauser. We catch up with Chef Offenhauser to find out more about his passion for the kitchen.

Aspire Lifestyles: Chef Offenhauser, tell us about your food philosophy?

Chef Offenhauser: I try to focus on creating memories for our customers through my food. Our restaurant and function centre are often booked for special occasions, so we want them to be as memorable as possible.

Aspire Lifestyles: And from where or how do you draw your inspiration?

Chef Offenhauser: I always have my nose in a book, on the internet, talking to other Chef’s about trends, suppliers about produce and of course talking to clients about their needs and necessities. My inspiration is a melting pot.

Aspire Lifestyles: Have you always wanted to be a Chef?

Chef Offenhauser: Yes and no. I explored plumbing, but unblocking toilets deterred me and I admired a Chef I met with my family.

Aspire Lifestyles: What is your ‘Go to’ hidden gem dining experience?

Chef Offenhauser: Noodles for sure! Any dingy hole in the wall, I can tell you…fantastic noodles, you can find them in Brisbane’s Chinatown early in the morning.

Aspire Lifestyles: If you were to invite a Chef to a dinner party, who would you choose?

Chef Offenhauser: Andrew Ormsby Catering, Dallas Texas, as he was a great mentor when I working for him.

As a partner on the Global Preferred Restaurant Program, customers of Aspire Lifestyles clients enjoy Top of Waitlist and an Amuse Bouche with every dinner reservation.