When one thinks of the cuisine of Peru, the first thought is often ceviche. However, Peruvian Chef Renzo Garibaldi of Osso in Lima is a world class butcher with commitment to sustainable, whole animal butchery. We were so intrigued by Chef Garibaldi when we met him at the Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants event last month; with a big smile on his face, his look is a cross between all-American lumberjack and trucker.
What started as a secret ‘butcher’s table’ in his shop slowly became known and an expansion to a full restaurant happened in 2013. It was so good that by 2015, Osso earned the #34 spot on Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants list. For 2017 it’s placed at #12 in all of Latin America. Aspire Lifestyles’ Director of Dining Ann Hill finds out more.

Aspire Lifestyles: What do you want the world to know about the cuisine of your country and the cuisine of your restaurant?
Chef Garibaldi: That chefs here work together, with others and with the producers. The most important thing we have is our land, our products and our people. I believe that for the restaurant as well I would like people to know that my team is the most important part of the restaurant.
Aspire Lifestyles: When friends come to town, where do you take them, both to dine and to get an insider view of Lima?
Chef Garibaldi: I love taking friends to Maido and to La Mar.
Aspire Lifestyles: What has been your most memorable food destination? Why?
Chef Garibaldi: Mexico I think is my favorite. The street food is amazing and the fine dining scene too.
Aspire Lifestyles: You get to take 5 chefs to dinner at any restaurant in the world. Which chefs do you bring along with you and where do you take them? Why those chefs and why that restaurant?
Chef Garibaldi: Micha Tsumura, Tomas Bermudez, Thomas Troisgros, Daniel Humm and Gaston Acurio. The restaurant would be Joe Beef in Montreal. I love the food there and the whole concept of the restaurant, great food! Great people.
I respect and admire all these chefs but more than anything I consider them friends and there’s nothing better than friends, good conversation and good food.
Aspire Lifestyles: You trained in the USA and France. How have those countries in addition to the products and traditions of Peru influenced your cooking and menus?
Chef Garibaldi: Both USA and France formed my way of cooking. Everything I learned I use every day in my kitchen, not only techniques but also and mainly the way of thinking about ingredients and the respect for them.
Aspire Lifestyles: How has your placement on Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants list changed your life?
Chef Garibaldi: It has been great, my favorite part is the doors that this opens, the experiences and the friends that one makes along the way.